
Hi, I'm Jack

Full Stack Developer

h2. About me

Hi, I'm Jack and I am a full stack web developer currently at Rakuten in Tokyo as a UI/UX developer, working on the frontend of the Rakuten GORA site. I began my role in October 2022 and am thrilled to have the chance to fulfill my dream of living in Japan while also progressing my career toward a focus on frontend development.

Previously for almost 4 years, I was working at IBM in London as part of the CIO sub domain working on PartnerWorld; This is IBM's largest microsite with tens of thousands of pages and users, with mixes of legacy and brand new code bases. By the time I left, I had been leading a project for over a year and mentoring juniors. I am very happy with my time at IBM, the experiences I gained, and the wonderful people I met there.

Before that, I was a full stack developer with Knownow Information ltd for almost 3 years, where I got work on projects such as Consentua and entelligently.

I graduated from The University of Portsmouth in 2018, with a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Computer Science - Web Technologies where I gained the skills I use today in my profession; during this time I also worked at KnowNow initally in a summer project, then as part time position into my third year of university.

Here are some of the technologies I am experienced with:

h2. Projects

h3. IBM Partnerworld Search


I worked on this project with my team at IBM for around a year from its inception. While I cannot claim any credit for the entire thing as it was a team effort; I contributed most to the front end of the app.

Vue IBM NodeJS OpenShift i18n IBM Carbon Design

h3. Josūshi - Learn Japanese Counters


A side project I made to help me learn Japanese counting words. Available as a installable offline PWA, and as a trusted web activity on the google play store.

Vue PWA TWA vuetify IBM Watson TTS Netlify

h3. IBM Partnerworld Content


From August 2021 I had been acting as a technical project lead on a large system migrations project, my responsibilities included everything from the POC, designing the atchetectre and leading the delivery to stakeholders working closly with my team and the PO

Nuxt IBM NodeJS Redis OpenShift i18n IBM Carbon Design

h3. Rakuten GORA - Lesson


During my time at Rakuten in the GORA UI team, I was the primary contibuter to the Lesson product over a number of major projects. Adding features such as use voice (reviews) and improving the SEO.

Nuxt Vuex / Pina storybook Jenkins



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Vue Gridsome animeJS PWA i18n Netlify